Meet Mr Ivan Bhaskar — Experienced Consultant Neurosurgeon

Area/Neighbourhood: Suite 1, Level 2, 55 Victoria Parade, Fitzroy 3065
  • Expert Neurosurgical Care You Can Trust! 

Mr Ivan Bhaskar is a renowned consultant neurosurgeon is here to deliver exceptional care tailored to your needs. With years of experience, he specialises in advanced treatment options for conditions affecting the brain, spine, and nerves. 

From effective surgical solutions to precise diagnosis, Ivan Bhaskar ensures compassionate care and the best outcomes for this patients. He brings over 15 years of dedicated expertise and experience in brain and spinal surgery, having specialisation in this complicated field throughout his extensive carrer. 

Your health deserves nothing less than excellence. Experience world-class neurosurgical solutions with Ivan Bhaskar. Schedule your consultation today! 

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