Editorial/Translation in Beijing
No matter you want to register a company, buy an apartment or a car or get a new job in China, you have to translate your passport or your ID Card, your Certificate of…
Services > Other in Beijing
Our Zirconium targets provide exceptional performance for thin film coatings in the electronics and aerospace industries. Available in various sizes to meet your needs. Order…
Editorial/Translation in Shenzhen
Hello I'm Jade Huang, I was born and grew up in the beautiful city Shenzhen. We have been offering interpreting, guiding, business assistance services more than 8 years. I speak fluent English, Mandarin, Cantonese and Shenzhen local dialect. We are based in Shenzhen, and travel to other cities for…
Sporting/Boats/Bikes in Qingdao
XspeedPropeller is a professional outboard propeller manufacturer located in Qingdao, China. With over a decade of manufacturing experience, XspeedPropeller has created a wide range of propellers for engines ranging from 2HP to 350HP. Products include aluminum outboard propellers, stainless steel…
Editorial/Translation in Qingdao
Servicio de Interprete y traductor de chino - español por toda china. Soy de china y vivo en la ciudad de Qingdao.Trabajo como intérprete (español-chino) y guía. Mis servicios son : Búsqueda de artículos nuevos y de proveedores Control de calidad Organizar visitas con clientes y viajes. Etc. Tengo…
Cars/Motorbikes in Qingdao
Hello I'm Jade Huang, I was born and grew up in the beautiful city Shenzhen. We have been offering interpreting, guiding, business assistance services more than 6 years. I speak…
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