Clases de Idiomas en Reino Unido
¿Quieres aprender francés o perfeccionarte? ¿no tienes mucho tiempo, pero sí una buena conexión a Internet? !!! Este anuncio es para ti !!! Francés nativo se ofrece para clase y/o…
Enhance your English language skills with TeachX! Our experienced British teacher is here to guide you towards fluency, focusing on proper pronunciation, grammar improvement,…
Clases de Idiomas en Londres
I'm a (female) native speaker teacher with 15 years' experience and a standard British accent (RP). I offer a wide range of lessons including Conversation Lessons, English for…
Enhance your career in human resources by obtaining a CIPD Level 3 Course in People Practice through online training. Discover the benefits of CIPD courses
Come to the UK and study in a British Council school with British teachers We will include the following FULL PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This PROGRAM starts with full-time General…
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