Lähetetty: Kielikurssit in Israel | Lähetetty: |
If you are looking for an experienced IB certified tutor then you have reached to the right place. I have gone through extensive IB workshop training and an adept examiner for internal assessment, ia, extended essay, ee and tok. Moreover, I have a team of IB examiners who regularly check IA, EE and TOK Essay. So, they can catch your mistakes in your tasks in just a glance. Furthermore, I do correction and editing work which can ensures you A grade in all your tasks. Nowadays, I see many untrained and unwanted tutors entered in this field and spoiled the educational system, students often come to me with their fingers burnt. I request you do not fall in wrong hands: Quality work is expensive but cheaper work can cost you even more. For any query or help, please feel free to contact me through whatsapp or email:
WhatsApp: +919911918255
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ib tutor
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