Lähetetty: Urheilu/Jooga in Okinawa | Lähetetty: |
Old-style (pre-WW2) UechiRyu KarateDo offered in Nagahama Okinawa. 3 sessions per week (Tuesday and Thursday evenings, Saturday afternoons). Some extra class times available for visitors or guests on Monday, Friday, and Satuday evenings. During August, usually 2 sessions per day (no extra fees asked of regular students). Youth 5000 yen/month, adults 8000 yen/month.
Instructor is 9th Dan with local and international teaching experience since 1974. President of Okinawa KarateDo UechiRyu Zankai. Dojo owner -- (doesn't teach in a gym). No competition, not a sport-style. Budo lifestyle and philosophy, health, and self-defense/protection. Some weapons training. Instruction in English with some Japanese.
Instructor's wife teaches Hatha Yoga, same location, Wednesday evenings. All students 5000 yen/month. Instructor is fluent in both English and Japanese.
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