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Classical, Electric and Flamenco Guitar Tuition by a Spanish Master. Via Skype.
Hello, my name is Alberto Pérez, (Al Pérez) holding my BM of guitar by the “Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid” in 1999. Then I was awarded with several scholarships to study abroad (Turkey, France, Romania and Denmark).
I have been teaching guitar for the last 20 years in Spain, Australia, the UK, Morocco, France and toured extensively as a soloist.
You can find my books at the libraries of The Royal Academy of Music, The Guildhall School of Music and The Royal College of Music in London, some libraries in Melbourne and Sydney, Australia, as well as in music libraries in Spain. I also worked for Spanish and Turkish TV as a session guitarist. You could also check my discography on Spotify.
Basically, my students learn: Ear Training, Harmony, Songs, Rhythm, Lead Guitar, Jammy Skills, Sight Reading, Song Writing, Slide Guitar, Finger Style, Open Tuning, Improvisation, Flamenco, Spanish Style, Pop, Rock, Classical, Baroque, Bossa Nova, Funk, Heavy Metal, Jazz, Blues and Much More…
Tuition takes 50-minute lesson, online via Skype.
My fees are:
1 lesson €40
4 lessons €150
8 lessons €280
English, Spanish and French spoken. First lesson-interview free (30 minutes).
Feel free to contact.
Alberto Pérez was born in Asturias ( Spain ) in 1967 completing his studies in Classical Guitar at the Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid.
In 1994 he was commissioned to create an electro-acoustic work featuring guitar, “ La pasión de Cervantes “ at the Centro de Difusión de la Música Contemporánea in the Reina Sofía Museum, Madrid.
In 1995 he was a finalist at the International Competition of Composition for Symphonic Band “ Ciudad de la Coruña “ ( Spain ) and was awarded the First Prize of Excellence for Guitar in Perpignan, France.
He has been awarded with three scholarships from the Spanish Government to study abroad: Haccetepe Universitesi Develet Konservatuvari, Turkey 1995/96; Gheorghe Dima School of music, Cluj Napoca, Romania 1997/98; The Royal Danish Conservatory, Copenhaguen ( Denmark ) 1998/99. Alberto was also awarded a scholarship from the French Government to research early Spanish-French music in Perpignan 1996/97 with the Maestro Francisco Ortiz.
He has taught at the “Ankara University Guitar Department” in Turkey, “J. S. Bach Academy of Music” in France “ North Kensington and Chelsea College Guitar Department” in London along with some private academies of music in Madrid.
He has given a series of conferences on classical and electric guitar, presenting his essay “ Guitar History Through its Methodology “ based on research carried out at the National Library of Madrid, Historical Library of Madrid, British Library of London, Victoria State Library of Melbourne in Australia, Central Library of New York in the USA along with a large number of institutions such as museums, universities and conservatoriums of music.”
His own works for solo guitar and chamber music have been published by “Arte Tripharia” and “Alpuerto”, along with his transcriptions of early Renaissance guitar works. Alberto has recorded thirty nine CDs and toured extensively with rock and pop bands, also recording for other artists as a session musician and working on Spanish, French and Turkish TV. His repertoire incorporates works from the 16th to the 21st centuries.
Alberto has attended masterclasses with renowned guitarists throughout the world, travelling to countries such as India, New York, Europe, South America and North Africa to study popular and classical music with famous and local musicians. He has played concerts in Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Romania, Turkey, France, Poland, Hungary, Moldova, United Kingdom, Chile and Australia.
In 2001 he has been awarded with support from SGAE (Sociedad General de Autores y Editores) to tour extensively through Denmark in order to showcase his own works for Classical Guitar.
Additionally, in 2001 and 2008 (during 6 months) Alberto Pérez has been awarded with two scholarships by AECI ( Spanish Agency for the International Co-operation ) in order to support his travelling to Chile and Australia respectively and showcase the Spanish music for guitar giving concerts and conferences.
Mr. Pérez, established his residence in London (2009-2010), Cudillero, Spain (2011-2013), Casablanca and El Jadida, Morocco (2013-2014) where he created the LRM “Laboratoire de la Recherche Musicale” as well as the “Escuela Internacional de Guitarra”. Since February 2014 he lives in Madrid.
Clases de Guitarra Clásica, Eléctrica y Flamenca online impartidas por un Maestro Español.
Canciones, acordes básicos para principiantes, rudimentos básicos del solfeo, armonía, educación del oído, composición, técnica, posición, respiración, rudimentos básicos del flamenco, jazz, improvisación, heavy, blues, rock, funk, bossa, apoyo a alumnos de conservatorio y mucho más…
Se habla español, francés e inglés. Primera clase gratuita (30 minutos). Vía Skype.
1 Clase €40
4 Clases €150
8 Clases €280
Guitare Classique, Electrique et Flamenco sur l’internet par un Maître Espagnol.
Solfège, Harmonie, Flamenco, Jazz, chansons, composition, Improvisation, Technique, Position, Respiration et Beaucoup Plus…
On Parle Espagnol, Français et Anglais. Le Premier Cours Gratuit (30 minutes). Voie Skype.
1 Cours €40
4 Cours €150
8 Cours €280
Alberto Pérez
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