Learn Arabic for all levels – Arabia & Middle East Business

Alue/Kaupunginosa: Frankfurt, Hessen, Rhein Main

Learn MSA and dialects Arabic for all levels face to face classes in Frankfurt am Main, Germany & Online via Skype / Zoom / Webex

Arabia and Middle East Business Culture Training & Coaching for Expats

Business Arabic & Arab Business Culture Training & Coaching

Samir L. Iranee, MBA an Arabic native (BA Business Administration – MBA in International Management Consulting) experienced lecturer since 1994 offers in Frankfurt am Main and Germany wide as well as in the middle east (including Cairo, Dubai & Abu Dhabi) Arabic language courses (colloquial, media, business, and Khaliji / Egyptian Arabic) for all levels.

Further we provide courses on Arabic culture, politics and doing business in the Middle East / Arab countries as well as Intercultural training for Arab countries and Islamic Region.

Please visit www.iranee.de 


Aktuelle Kundenstimmen & Referenzen


Samir L. Iranee is my colleague. I can't remember that students starting with him, did not come back. He has a couple of expats he brought from a few words of the foreign language (Arabic, Hebrew and German) to a conversational level. Whenever I have been eavesdropping, I can hear that his students very much enjoy learning the foreign languages with him. Along with the learning of the language always comes a lot of intercultural knowledge for the students since he is also active as an intercultural trainer middle east for international companies and institutions. Gabriele Engelmann German lecturer Frankfurt am Main, Germany


01.02.2019 Marion G.-T. from Frankfurt am Main via Superprof Germany 

I have been learning Arabic with Samir for 1.5 years now. He is a very committed and lively teacher and I recommend his lessons.


31.01.2019 George R. from Northampton GB via Superprof United Kingdom

Samir is a great tutor! 
If it’s Arabic you want to learn, you should definitely contact him!


Philipp von Zitzewitz, 20.11.2018

Deputy General Manager Sesam Business Consultants, Dubai UAE

Samir helped to brush up my rusty Arabic over a period of 6 months in Frankfurt in one-on-one sessions. I appreciated his special efforts and benefitted from his insights into a culture and language that is not easily accessible for westerners.


Dr. Patricia Benstein, 19.11.2018

Research Fellow and University Lecturer, Riverton Western Australia, Australia

English Lecturer at Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main

Samir is an excellent Arabic teacher. He has helped me enormously by being patient, knowledgeable and highly experienced. I can recommend him as a wonderful teacher of Arabic.



تعليم اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها فهم الثقافة العربية والاسلامية اهلا وسهلا بكم في صفحتنا


Contact / Kontakt:

Samir L. Iranee , Dipl.-Betriebswirt / MBA

Arabischdozent und Arabientrainer

D - 60487 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Rossittener Straße 13 b

Tel.: ++49 +69-9552 0229

Internet: http://www.iranee.de

Arabischkurse – Arabienkunde – Interkulturelles Training

Samir L. Iranee
 Samir L. Iranee

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