의류/악세서리 속 제네바
Very glamourous and luxurious ladies Mink coat with beautiful shawl collar. Ideal for cold days or for special occasions. A real show stopper! In mint condition - only worn a few…
가구/가정용 전기제품 속 루세르네
Power Grow Comb. Velform revolutionär, Stoppt den Haarausfall und regt den Haarwachstum an, ausserdem wachsen die Haare dicker und stärker! Wie gesehen im TV ! Die Laserbürste…
가구/가정용 전기제품 속 스위스
Material ist Alu, die Stühle auch. der Blaustich ist die Spiegelung vom Himmel:-) hat kleine Beule (s. letztes Foto). Abzuholen in Zürich Seebach nähe Bushaltestelle Himmeri. Kein…
가구/가정용 전기제품 속 쮜리히
39x39x120cm beide 40.- Einzeln 25.- pro Stück. Abzuholen gegen Barzahlung Nähe Bushaltestelle Himmeri in 8052 Zürich Seebach. Hinterlassen Sie bitte Ihre Telefonnummer, ich rufe…
Cabinet with 2 sliding doors and mirrors H220 x200 x64 Pick up for cash payment near Himmeri bus stop in 8052 Zurich Seebach. Unfortunately I am not able to upload an entire…
The table tops are frosted glass, the frame metal. Dimensions see photos. Pick up (cash payment) near Himmeri bus stop in 8052 Zurich Seebach. Please leave your phone number, I'll…
Leather couch group 1, 2 and 3 seats. On the two-seater and three-seater you can also sleep wonderfully. Genuine leather from Möbel Schubiger Zurich, the group including specially…
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