โพสต์ใน: กฎหมาย/การเงิน ใน Queensland | Posted: |
Taking control of your superannuation as early as you can will be an important part of your ultimate strategy to achieve tax effective wealth creation and will be an essential component of your ultimate retirement solution.
The professional advisers at Wealth Connexion are able to design strategies that will minimise taxation throughout your working life that will establish the foundation for your eventual retirement.
Superannuation is arguably the most readily available and tax effective structure available to Australians today. The Federal Government actively encourages all Australians to save for their retirement and one of the ways it does, is to provide tax concessions to money invested into your superannuation fund.
Personal superannuation offers tax effective investing into a range of selected investment funds with the aim of generating long term growth specifically designed to fully or partly fund your future retirement.
How you structure your investments whether under a self- managed super fund (SMSF), an industry fund or a retail fund can be crucial to matching your expectations to the final outcome.
Legislation is always evolving and you need to know you can rely on someone who is in touch with all the rules and regulations.
We specialise in helping our clients with the following superannuation and retirement strategies:
Tax effective salary sacrifice strategies;
Super contribution strategies
Transition to Retirement
Visit us at wealthconnexion.com.au or contact us at 07 3891 5666 for more details.
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