Vfd Supply & Repairs In Bahrain.

Bölge/Çevre: Salmabad

VFD Supply, Install, Repairs & Maintenance Services in Bahrain.

JEMS is the pioneer in all brand Variable Frequency Drives (industrial & commercial) to Middle East Arab Gulf Countries with warranty & guarantee, including after sales, breakdown, technical backup service support available.  

And we supply, install, repairs and maintenance services in around 
middle east arab gulf countries.  

If any enquiry, clarification, verification, information needed do not hesitate to contact us. 


M/s: JEMS Solutions Company W.L.L

Salmabad, Kingdom of Bahrain.

For Projects, Business & Services Enquiries call us Landline: +973-17-874667, Mob/Whatsapp: +973-39236574 

Send your enquiries to our E-mail: 

Google Location: https://goo.gl/maps/HmHmqZyMxfeGTvg9A  

Facebook: JEMS Co W.L.L.


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