Xanthelasma Removal in Irvine, California | OC Medderm | Irv

What is Xanthelasma?
Xanthelasma is a yellow, soft bump that usually appears on or around the eyelids. It happens when fat builds up under the skin. It’s not dangerous but can be a sign of high cholesterol, and many people want it removed for cosmetic reasons.

Types of Xanthelasma
There aren’t specific types, but it can differ by size and shape.

Dr. Parvin Shafa at Irvine Skin offers treatments like laser, peels, or minor surgery to remove xanthelasma. She has over 20 years of experience and offers a range of treatments to safely and effectively remove these yellow patches.

Take the first step to smoother skin by contacting Irvine Skin today!

To book an appointment at Irvine Skin, contact Dr. Shafa through the following:
Call us on
(949) 551-1113
Our Address: 113 Waterworks Way 100, Irvine, Orange County, CA, 92618, United States.

Schedule your consultation now : https://irvineskin.com/inquiry-now/ 

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